5 ways digital signage can be used in your car dealership

As a car dealership you have a few top priorities when it comes to welcoming visitors to your store. You’ll want to ensure that you;
Put them at ease
Build your visitors trust
Provide a welcoming atmosphere
Display expertise & knowledge
Treat your visitors as individuals
Are helpful & understanding
All of these priorities are key to your overall customer service. No matter what the car your visitors have come to discuss with you, be it new or used, they are there to not only potentially invest a large sum of money with you, but also to invest in a product that is absolutely vital to their day-to-day working and family life.
The service that you provide them with is therefore critical to whether or not they invest their money and time with you. Trust is absolutely pivotal in this relationship, as they will want to know that they can trust you are going to not only be professional in the way you handle business, but that every single element of their investment is properly taken care of.
So you know your stuff, but how do you win your customers over? Ensuring 5-star service can be easier said than done. Car dealerships can be busy places, and each member of staff has numerous important tasks to be getting on with from keeping up to date with paperwork to ensuring all the vehicles on site are maintained to the highest standard and ready for the road.
For more information on how digital signage can help you give a 5* service you can read our blog, “Top 10 Tips on How Digital Signage can help you improve your customer service”.
Here’s how car dealership digital signage can help;
Allow visitors to check themselves in
If your visitors have an appointment, or if the dealership is particularly busy and they can’t be seen straight away, you can use interactive digital signage to perform admin tasks for you.
By providing your visitors with this service you can not only take the strain of your staff, but it will also put your visitors at ease that you are registering that they are there and that they will be seen to as soon as is possible.
Provide a short questionnaire
While your customers are waiting it can also be helpful to use you screens to go further than a simple check in and actually go into a bit more detail about what exactly your visitors are looking for.
Whether they are looking for a new or used car, if they have a particular make or model in mind, or a budget that they need to stick to, you can not only provide immediate helpful advice to your visitors, but you can also help them narrow down their options before they even need to speak to an advisor.
Rather than your visitors twiddling their thumbs waiting for an advisor to speak to they can spend their time productively narrowing down their options and secure in the knowledge that they will be seen as soon as possible.
For more information on interactive screens best practices you can read our guide, “How to use Interactive Digitial Screens in your business”.
Reinforce your brand
Visitors trust brands. Whether or not customers believe your brand to be trustworthy can be affected by a number of different things. Brand trust can be built through word of mouth and through reputation, but it is also very much to do with how your dealership presents itself. Customers will be consciously and subconsciously building a perception of your brand through every touchpoint that they have with it.
Digital signage can help with this in a number of ways. If you have a particular set of values or message that is fundamental to your brand, then dealership digital signage can help to bring this to life. While static advertising is great for creating an overall brand presence, with digital signage it is possible to display TV like adverts that can both reinforce a special brand message and let your visitors dream a bit about the possibilities available with some of your amazing cars.
Digital signage for branding purposes can be placed in any number of prominent spaces around your car dealership, be it in your forecourt, your showroom, or in your lobby area. Why not dazzle your visitors as soon as they step through the door with a video wall at you reception. Display beautiful high definition video to really give your visitors a great first impression.
According to this survey, “Digital Signage can Provide 47.7% effectiveness increase on brand awareness”.
Let your visitors know about a sale or promotion
Many visitors may be unsure of the specific car they are looking to buy. Digital signage can help to persuade these customers in the direction of a sale or promotion that you have on by really letting them know the value that they will be receiving in return.
While you can let your banners and static advertising in your car dealership signal that you have a sale on, dealership digital signage provides the extra detail that is vital when selling a complex product. The movement and slick visuals possible also capture attention and draw eyes to your screens. You can place your sales and promotions right across your car dealership. Digital signage outside in your forecourt facing the passing trade is also a great way to pull visitors in.
According to a study Digital Signage can “Actually increase the average purchase amount by 29.5%”.
Give more specific detail
Unlike lots of other products cars prices can vary greatly and can require a great deal of research to understand exactly what you are getting for your money. This is especially the case for those who may not be car enthusiasts or may have very little knowledge whatsoever.
While digital signage can help sell your cars by selling the dream and the more idealistic aspect of your cars, typically the freedom that the car will give you, it can also help to go further than this. You can go into more detail either with interactive screens that categorise different ranges and can be drilled down again into further detail from there into details like mileage per gallon and engine size. This is a unique opportunity to both sell the dream with your branding and provide the detail that is required to convert you visitors into buyers.
Why not go further than this and give your sales staff the same software and tablets? This will enable them to help with directing visitors to the right products. Check out our guide, “The best digital signage software for Car Dealerships” for more information.
For more information on how digital signage can help your car dealership don’t hesitate to get in touch via email cn@contentnetworks.pl or by calling (22) 231-85-97