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Let’s take a look at 20 of the best office welcome sign ideas

There are many ways in which you can use your digital signage to inform, entertain and keep your team in the loop business-wise at work.

1. Achievements video display

Scrap the typical motivational quote poster and go for something different! Why not consider putting together a video montage of your team’s achievements at work so far on your office signages? Consider displaying some stats and highlights too! 

2. Weather and news 

Many of us like to stay in the loop when it comes to the news and everyone can certainly benefit from knowing whether it’ll rain during their commute home. Give your employees these handy bits of information and keep your business welcome sign varied with this up-to-date content. 

digital signage in office

3. Social media trends

Trending social media is a great signage idea, especially if your team works closely with the various platforms on a daily basis. Keep them informed of what’s trending globally. 

4. Live streamed videos

There are tons of exciting live streamed videos happening right now. Why not share some fascinating visual content with your office team to keep them motivated? We love Nasa’s live streamed videos! 

digital office

5. Staff bios and introductions

Perhaps you have a new staff member arriving on their first day. Why not introduce them via a creative welcome sign? Or, use the board to highlight an employee’s achievements or personality. This can be a fun way of getting to know each other. 

6. Seasonal activities

You can use digital welcome signs to highlight upcoming seasonal holidays or team activities. Everyone could do with a reminder now and again or a bit of a push to get into the seasonal spirit! 


Why not pick a quote each day to give your team a motivational boost when they arrive in the morning or, create your own personalised business quote? There are lots of different ways in which to ensure employees are motivated, but a simple message could do the trick! 

welcome signs in office

8. Rules/guidelines

Every workplace comes with its own set of rules and procedures to follow. Perhaps some of them have been ignored recently. Why not set up a gentle reminder for your employees using a company welcome sign? 

9. Job announcements 

Have you got an opening for an exciting new role? Communicate it to your talented team first, someone might be looking for new opportunities…

10. Values and visions

Every business has its own values and visions. Managers should be communicating these regularly to make sure everybody is on board. It’s always a good idea however to communicate these via a sign board too. 

Read more on how managers can improve their communication

digital screens in corporate communication

11. Shared calendar

Have you got some important team meetings on the horizon? Share the schedule with the entire team so they are reminded of what’s upcoming and whether they’re involved. 

12. A thank-you message

Has your team just pulled through a really challenging project? Or, maybe a particular group have worked incredibly hard to achieve results. Use your welcome sign to thank them, it’ll certainly be appreciated. It’s important to appreciate your team and have them know that you value their work, always. Afterall, they’re at the core of your business success! 

13. Announcements 

Have you hit some targets and want to share the stats with your employees? Keep them involved by using the sign to make announcements. Your team will love sharing success with you! 

office announcements

14. A photo display 

Why not make a lovely display of photos to share with your team? It’ll reinforce the idea of a work ‘family’  with unification at the forefront and bring a smile to everyone’s face as long as any embarrassing ones are left out, of course! 

21 digital signage content creation tools

15. Wider building events

Looking for more welcome sign ideas? Lots of office spaces are part of a larger building. Perhaps your office forms part of a co-working space and there are some events happening with other businesses. Keep your team informed…

16. Ask questions

You can use your signage to encourage your team to prompt questions. If you have an important meeting coming up and you want some ideas, why not give some food for thought beforehand? 

digital displays in office

17. Daily stats

A corporate welcome sign can be used to display daily stats. Maybe you want to share KPI targets and whether they’ve been reached. This can be great to use with time stamps too, which can help your team identify when they’re most productive. 

18. Your business social media feed

Lots of signage displays are great for displaying social media feeds. Why not display your own Twitter feed for example to show how engaged your audience is with your content? 

19. Keep it simple

Have you got a company motto? Sometimes simple is best. Reinforce this motto by displaying it on the sign board for all to see. 

20. Train times and transport 

Not everybody is fortunate enough to commute to work by car. Help your team out by informing them of any train delays and by displaying local transport times so leaving work and getting home is a breeze! 

As you can see there are many ways in which digital signage can be used as office signage. Employees will appreciate the variation you can offer by breaking up the space with new visual content.

You can always switch between different things too. There really is no need to keep a static message on a sign all day long.

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